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What is HHC?

In 6 words - it is basically THC, but legal.
HHC or Hexahydrocannabinol chemical structure

The boring technical info

Hexahydrocannabinol or HHC is one of the hundreds phytocannabinoids that naturally occur in the hemp plant. HHC was first synthesized in 1944 by Roger Adams using natural THC found in Cannabis sativa.

HHC is usually made through hydrogenation. THC is converted into HHC, this is also why the effects are very similar. HHC is considered a natural and a semi-synthetic cannabinoid. HHC-p or HHC-o on the other hand are fully synthetic. Hydrogenation isn't a weird process that's only used with cannabinoids. A similar process is used when converting vegetable oil into margarine. Our partners produce distillate that can be applied to many hemp products.
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Lab testing of HHC flower

Legality of HHC and alternatives

Currently HHC has been banned in a lot of EU countries, but it's still legal in some like Ireland. Fear not as there are alternatives to HHC such as THCJD, HHCP, THCB, THCH & HHCH, HHCPm and the list goes on.

Please check your local law and be certain that it's legal. We do not give legal advice and we don't know every countries laws. So please keep an eye on the law and make sure you don't accidentally order something that isn't legal in your country. All of our products contain less than 0.2% of THC.
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Distribution centers: Czech Republic Netherlands, Portugal
© HHC Farm 2024